Smart Photonic Materials group of Tampere University (Prof. Arri Priimägi) as a partner in STORM-BOTS (Soft and Tangible Organic Responsive Materials progressing roBOTic functionS) Marie Sklodowska Curie European Training Network organised the third STORM-BOTS Symposium on 5-8 September 2023.
It was the 4th network-wide training activity of the project and gathered 12 early-stage researchers (ESR) trained within the project, many of their supervisors as well as keynote speakers recognized in the field of responsive soft materials and soft robotics.
The Symposium Agenda was structured into three main parts: 1. ESRs presentations of their recent research updates 2. Workshops on transversal skills, such as CV writing and research-based careers, and lectures on Intellectual Property and Commercialization. 3. Scientific part of Symposium with lectures of invited distinguished experts in the field.